Human error can still unfortunately occur! If you lose your design in the wash, please send me an email with pictures. A replacement can most likely be made.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do the patch grades mean?
A Grade, B Grade, and C Grade in the product options refers to the individual print quality of the item you will be receiving. Every print is different so we do our best group them so you know what to expect when placing an order.
To see the visual I put together, please visit this page.
How do you make the hoop screens for printing?
I am in the process of creating a zine to answer this question in-depth.
When completed, I will post the link here.
Could you make online tutorials for the full screen printing process?
Once I am not relying on classes to keep my personal art afloat, this is definitely the plan! Feel free to subscribe early.
Why did my order arrive later than expected?
There is currently a team of one processing and shipping orders, while also scheduling and teaching classes, taking commissions, running social media, and being customer support. I am occasionally assisted by friends at events or for bigger printing production runs, but most of the behind the scenes is just one guy. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Why are all of your events "Masks Required"?
Firstly, for myself. I am immuno-compromised and can't risk getting sick. The last time I had a lung infection, I required serious medical intervention. I am scared to see what will happen if I catch COVID-19. I have so far managed to not catch it and I hope to maintain that record.
Secondly, for others. Most of my loved ones are similarly immuno-compromised and/or would like to avoid catching COVID-19, and the side effects of long-covid (of which there are many). Even those who are not my loved ones, people whose health history I do not know and do not have to know, deserve the respect of not catching whatever I am carrying.
And for both myself and others; if I catch COVID-19 I will not be able to continue teaching classes, going to markets, and other things that are the reason I am able to rent a studio and make a living.
Here are some resources if you would like to further educate yourself:
COVID This Weeka Brief Guide to Safer Gatherings
CDC Recommends Masking (Updated May 2023)
What is the Vaccine's Effect on Transmitting Disease?
There is More Covid Transmission Today Than During 88.9% of the Pandemic